Volume packaging

Your order administration and stock management can thus take into account retail sales and/or wholesale purchases.

Retail sales, and/or wholesale purchases

It can be interesting to buy some items in bulk because of significantly better prices. At the same time, your end customer will only want to make (small) retail purchases.

Purchasing in bulk

It is often interesting to buy big volumes from your supplier, after all: This way you can get lower prices, some suppliers do not work with small packages and some items require continuous sufficient stock due to peak times.

Retail sales

The end user, your customer, often needs small packaging. After all: he/she doesn't "consume" that much of a particular item or has no place to store etc.

Clever solution

With the "Volume Packaging" module you can link 1 or more large packaging items to 1 central small packaging item. This allows you to buy and/or sell in any volume.

In addition, each related article has its own barcode and pricing policy. You can even mix. Within the stock management, you will not encounter any duplicates, and the stock level for all related small and large packaging items will be updated.